

The PREMIERE project opens the stage for the performing arts of the new era. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and XR technologies, it will support the whole life cycle of performances, from their production to their distribution and preservation. Research centres and artistic partners are leading the development of digital tools designed to enrich archives, extend venues as virtual stages for live performances and co-creation, and produce in the intersection of art and technology. Altogether, PREMIERE stands for inclusive access, competitive CCIs, critical digital engagement, and cultural heritage preservation.

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The REBOOT European Film Competitiveness project

The Reviving, Boosting, Optimising, and Transforming European Film Competitiveness – REBOOT project is a collaborative initiative led by the University of Vienna in partnership with 11 universities. Supported by 11 members strong advisory board consisting of six industry professionals and five international organisations. This project has a primary focus on exploiting existing strengths, addressing weaknesses, and planning strategically for the future competitiveness of the European film industry in all policy, practical, and experiential dimensions. The project aims to explore audience preferences and generational dynamics to shape a comprehensive understanding and to foster young people’s engagement with European films. Furthermore, the project seeks to reinforce the European Union’s position in the global audiovisual economy and to promote cultural diversity within the European film industry.

CresCine Project

CresCine’s overall objective is to enhance the competitiveness and cultural diversity of the European film industry. This will be achieved by understanding, engaging with, empowering, and ultimately transforming European small markets through original research and piloting the results in Estonia, Lithuania, Denmark, Ireland, Belgium (Flanders), Croatia, and Portugal.

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INHERIT Project – Next Generation Solutions for Sustainable, Inclusive, Resource-efficient and Resilient Cultural Heritage

INHERIT is an EU co-funded project that addresses the challenges concerning the preservation, restoration, and management of cultural heritage buildings. Its goal is to foster their environmental and social sustainability while preserving their cultural heritage value. INHERIT uses an integrated methodology based on social, scientific, and technological processes, including 11 ICT-based services that will be demonstrated in 8 cultural heritage sites across Europe.

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Associazione Clust-ER Industrie Culturali e Creative (Clust-ER Create – cultural and creative cluster of the Emilia-Romagna region)

It is an association with 103 members: large companies, SMEs, foundations, cultural associations, training institutions, research and innovation centres and other organisations focused on CCI. Thanks to the mix of competencies and actors within its ecosystem it has gathered a huge experience in design-driven innovation and hybridization mainly focused on sustainability, social inclusion and societal transformation.

The main purpose is to strengthen the regional production system by focusing on the integration of technology, creativity and culture, creating synergies and alliances with networks and other aggregations at national and European level, and identifying future scenarios and strategic themes for research, training and internationalisation.

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